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바닥 우물

사헌부 터에서 발견된 우물을 소재로 하여 만든 공간.
오목한 바닥에서 물이 샘솟는 형태로 어린이들이 신나게 뛰어놀며 물놀이를 할 수 있습니다.
HTMLText_C5955D3F_0EEF_1CBB_419F_D16A4769BC49_mobile.html =

계절 변화에 따라 변하는 우리나라 자생식물의 꽃과 열매, 단풍을 즐길 수 있습니다.
한국 전통정원의 ‘화계(층계모양으로 단을 만들고 화초를 심음)’에서 영감을 받아 만든 장대석 화단은 풍성하고 아늑한 멋이 있습니다.
HTMLText_771AEADC_8346_9069_41C8_9E103950CE98_mobile.html =
사헌부 문터

조선시대 감찰 기능을 담당한 사헌부 터에서 발굴된 유구(문지, 담장, 우물, 배수로 등) 일부가 발굴 당시의 모습 그대로 전시됩니다.
※ 유구 : 유적을 이루고 있는 개개의 장소(예. 건물, 연못, 도로 등)
HTMLText_AB6E16C0_5C9C_1EC9_41B3_88D27D15D2D6.html =
Spring Fountain

This spring fountain is a wading pool, a children’s playground conceived from the well discovered at the entrance to the Saheonbu site.
HTMLText_9302F65A_0D57_0CC5_419A_696ACD83E6F2.html =
Four Seasons Garden

Containing a lot of tree species native to Korea, this garden creates natural views uniquely Korean that change according to the change of four seasons.
The flower beds built using long rectangular blocks of hewn stone, showing an inspiration from the “floral steps” in the palace gardens of Joseon, create a cozy, but exuberant, atmosphere.
HTMLText_2DB8FF4A_8541_9069_41D3_752953C102F9.html =
Site of Saheonbu

The exhibition of the Saheonbu Gate site has been formed to promote and share the value and meanings of a buried cultural heritage that had been excavated from the area. The location where the exhibition has been formed is where Saheonbu used to be situated. A drain system, well, walls around the building, site of the main gate, and traces of servant rooms were found in the area.
The exhibition facility, built roughly 1.2 meters under the ground, features a roof line of the traditional Korean building and columns whose height and thickness are similar to those of the trees growing in the surrounding area. The exhibition facility has a vantage point from which one can enjoy a fine view of Gwanghwamun Gate seen between two columns.
※ Archaeological features : A manmade structure from the past forming part of an archaeological site(building, pond, road, etc.)
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = 사계정원