
- 영상음성류
- 동영상
광화문광장 그림그리기
- 키워드
시대 | 2000년대~2020년대 | 생산일 | 2024-09-21 |
소장처 | 생산자명 | 광화문광장사업과 | |
저작권자 | 광화문광장사업과 | 참고정보원 | |
관리번호 | VD_VO_00000157 | 관련자료링크 |
광화문사랑 어린이 그리기대회 스케치 영상
ㅇ 일시 : 2024. 9.21.(토)
ㅇ 장소 : 광화문광장 일대
ㅇ 일시 : 2024. 9.21.(토)
ㅇ 장소 : 광화문광장 일대
영상 자막정보
[Richard Farrell - Soul Swingin']
Loving you makes the stars shine brighter
One step closer to Valhalla
We are warriors, we rule our own domain
Keeps our heads up high, pushing on like a chugging train
Loving you makes the world spin faster
Ain’t enough days in the week for us to kiss
We are explorers, we’re seeking higher plains
Pulling on the reins when we find our home again
Soul swingin’ yeah
Loving you makes the stars shine brighter
One step closer to Valhalla
We are warriors, we rule our own domain
Keeps our heads up high, pushing on like a chugging train
Loving you makes the world spin faster
Ain’t enough days in the week for us to kiss
We are explorers, we’re seeking higher plains
Pulling on the reins when we find our home again
Soul swingin’ yeah
9월_광화문 그림그리기_1분_.mp4 [ 209.3MB ]

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